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Back to the Hell Hole

Sooo.. what's up everybody??
this is going to be a long post.. wait not really lol.
well.. today is the first day i start school after 10 days break.
so far.. its fine. almost great. almost.

hell hole? yup that was my beloved nickname for my beloved school.
i love it so much until i feel like want to puke rainbow. but hey.. i still love it.
gosh.. don't believe in this stupid statement just read down.. scroll down! scroll! go on!


I went 30 minutes early to school coz of black out in the freaking morning -_-
Then have a little chit chat with friend who i don't meet in 10 days. talking so loud like the world is ours lmao. and then my chair class who sit nearby suddenly said something gross to me with his huge friend, i don't even know they were there, okay maybe i know, i heard them talking about basket or something. finally those weirdo get lost for some basket matching practice.
after the bell rang then it goes like our normal activities.

1st lesson .. accounting.
i was write and write everything my teacher said. i'm not used to like this i mean not really paying attention.. sometimes. but hey maybe i just miss school, wait no, that will never happen ><
then goes to the 2nd lesson and school break.
i eat an instant noodle like i never eat it before. i don't know why i just felt so hungry lol
buy some candy and eat it all out, even i grab my friend drink when i even have my own (sorry;;)
i was talking and laughing out loud even i declare that i am Baekhyun number 2 lmao
i keep saying Kkaeb song which my friend who's not a kpopers staring at me blankly lol

the last lesson was not exist coz there's no teacher.. YAY!!
i spend it talked every useless thing with my friends. we are so dumb even we talked about why squidward not wearing any pant? and how does doraemon exist?

but then some moron guy which sometimes hangout with us sit along and began his annoying daily activities which is annoying us. saying some crap that i don't really cared.

and then..

there's go some 'drama' gang in my class.. which i'm not really give a damn.
but then i paying attention to whatever just happened coz OH MY GOSH THEY ARE JUST SO LOUD like i think my ear is about to deaf.
i heard someone pitting on here and there.. and then some spoilt brat crying like someone just burn up her ass.
let me tell you what i feel.. it was like SITTING AROUND WITH BUNCH OF MONKEY.

thank goodness the bell rang so loud and i was just like SCHOOL IS OVER GET OVER THIS FUCKING DRAMA AND GET OUT FROM THIS HELL HOLE in my own mind. what do you think? i'm gonna say that out loud, c'mon i'm not like those weirdo.

packing my stuff.. grab my bag and threw it to my shoulder i'm run out like some dog is chasing me.

so here i'm when i HAVE to study for my accounting daily exam tomorrow but i'm not even star it yet but i end up writing this shit while listening to some singapore radio which i don't know the name but i named it '2 HOURS KPOP HEAVEN' lmao

so yeah.. that's all. bye.
thanks for wasting your time reading this crap.
\throw underwear\



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