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A Split Second

tbh i was writing this post in the freaking midnight;;
my mind got screwed up coz school will be start in 2 days
i'm not ready and i never be ><
(Ps: I have one week school break since the seniors are using the class for the final exam)

I mean this school break really like a heaven for me.
i woke up at 9am or maybe at noon, eat, online, watching tv all the lazy thing that my ass can do.
i was not on mood to do something even my teacher gave me some short of work to do (omg so annoying;;)
one week.. well i'm gonna spend it wisely.
/scroll up/ woke up late, eat, turn on the tv while i wear my headset turn on my playlist with volume up and my eyes fixed on mu laptop reading all the previous update about BAP (sorry mom;;)
i prefer doing this kinda thing rather going out, burning my skin under the sunshine -ugh-
i know... i know... i really weird

i also cant sleep, i've been thinking, my mom not giving me money to buy EXO first box DVD so what if i offer her an excuse or something like i gave her my pocket money for a month or also she don't have to driving me to school again... for month, and she HAVE to buy me that freaking EXO first box DVD. it will work right? i'lll give it a try tomorrow >< wish me luck? ._.

and... what am i doing know?
its already 11;59 pm
wait let me think..
oh yeah i was reading a damn fanfic about chanyeol who got confuse by his own feeling. the story is also about love triangle between the girl or maybe you (like it was written in the forward) chanyeol (your crush for forever, i guess) lay (your freaking best friend) and kai. but dammit i already in chapter 9 and i have no idea where kai part is. he not show up as the main character on the story. i was reading the freaking forward that written KAI AS THE MAIN CHARACTER TOO but im not seeing it so far. this is so sad when the actual reason i read this fanfic is coz kai in there. wait chanyeol in there too *i always adore that walking pole*

before this i also had read some of smut oneshot fanfics about zelo and kai (omg if my mom seeing me read this smut i'll be throw away in the hell hole just right now pmsl)
now i'm gonna stay up all night to read done this fanfic about chanyeol, just like last night-_- when i spent hours to read done 30 chapter about Daehyun which is already complete until 2 in the morning, but when i came to the last chapter the story was just hang in there and the author left the note 'i've planning for the sequel heres the link see you there' and i was like WHAT THE WHAT??
this is pissed me off. i know it just a story. a fiction story. but reading something that doesn't exist is my hobby. thanks to that damn author i have to wait for the sequel update (i hate waiting;;;;) if curiosity will be able to kill people, i must be dead right now.

anyway.. i'm gonna continue to read the fanfic.. i leave it when lay about to slap at your face coz you've been working a part time time job behind him.. jk hehe..

[UPDATE] 5 minutes later

omg i update soon since something i expected pop out in the fanfic
KAI DID HERE! I read his part in chapter 10
he finally came out to the story, he spotted you woke up and asking if you are okay when actually your not when you seeing yourself sleep in unfamiliar house and you woke up finding kai in front of you with him HALF NAKED lmao \puke rainbow\

lol i'm so weird. kay bye that's all XD


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