Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo.... tbh i was writing this post in the freaking midnight;; my mind got screwed up coz school will be start in 2 days i'm not ready and i never be >< ( Ps: I have one week school break since the seniors are using the class for the final exam) I mean this school break really like a heaven for me. i woke up at 9am or maybe at noon, eat, online, watching tv all the lazy thing that my ass can do. i was not on mood to do something even my teacher gave me some short of work to do (omg so annoying;;) one week.. well i'm gonna spend it wisely. /scroll up/ woke up late, eat, turn on the tv while i wear my headset turn on my playlist with volume up and my eyes fixed on mu laptop reading all the previous update about BAP (sorry mom;;) i prefer doing this kinda thing rather going out, burning my skin under the sunshine -ugh- i know... i know... i really weird