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Him & His Guitar

It was late at night.
With messy hair and pulled up shorts I wanted to go to the bathroom. Careless of how I look 'cause I thought everyone was already asleep. But I was wrong. He were there, with a guitar on his hand and a laptop on the table in front of him. I walked down the stairs awkwardly, praying he won't realize that I was staring at him before, just by the door, surprised.

I stopped in front of the bathroom's door because he start singing. Even thought we barely speak, I always knew his voice were so soft, and it's more soft when he sing. Soft and sweet like a cotton candy.

I can still hear his voice inside the bathroom, pulling me to get out of there and sit next to him, catch an even more better sound of his voice and a better view of him. But I can't, cause we barely talk. We don't know each other. We're just stranger living under the same roof.

I walked up the stairs, he were still singing and I get more awkward.

I stay put inside my room, closing the door and lock it. He stop singing. I heard a sound of him putting down his guitar. I don't know what he do next. But I can count his steps through the sound of his room's door. Making a heavy noise every time its open and closed.

I heard a noise, he went inside his room. But I didn't hear a sound of closed door. He weren't done yet. I breath out, feels relieved. I'm not done yet hearing his voice. I heard a voice, closed door. I'm scared. Where is he? Inside his room? He already done? But he was just begin!

I heard a sound of guitar. Again, I breath out of relieved. He sing again. Gradually stop, I'm guessing you were recording it or trying to learn the key. I think its my first guess.

I walked to my bed, crawled up on top of if. He were still singing and I write this instantly. I don't want to forget this 'lill bit of memories I have about him. Later on, I fell asleep with the sound of his voice singing Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley.

P.S; I originally write this using you and not him 'cause this writing was meant for him. How I see him. How I watch him every time I had a chance. How I adore him. But I was so hooked up with my own feeling while writing this that I decided to post this online.

P.P.S; I'm not in love with him. I consider him as a role-model? I guess... Just wanted to clear something up.


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