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[NEWS] 140619 [Individual] "What is their nickname?" ... Taeyeon - Baekhyun, everything about date '11' (Q&D)

"Is there nicknames they call eachother?"
SNSD's Taeyeon (Kim Taeyeon-25) fell in love. Her 'Mr' that she was searching for is Exo's Baekhyun (Byun Baekhyun- 22)
Its a couple that created inside SM, and Taeyeon is 3 years older than Baekhyun. They started going out in Feburary, and
has been dating for 4 months now.
"Hallydols'" date was made secretly and thoroughly. SNSD and Exo are on top of audiences' attention. However,
they avoided their attention to go out for secret dates. How did they meet? Where did they meet? What did they do?
Is there any nickname?
Dispatch created a lovestory of Taeyeon and Baekhyun into 'Q&D' (Question & Dispatch). Firstly, they spotted their
dating scene. Through the lovers' friends, Dispatch heard the behind stories.

◆ Taeyeon has been a lead vocalist in SNSD for 7 years. On the other hand, Baekhyun made his debut 2 years ago.
SM is very strict about the relationship rule between sunbaes and hubaes. How did they build their love relationship
in such place?
Q. When did 'something' go on between Baekhyun and Taeyeon?
D. They first met in 2011, when Baekhyun became a SM trainee. They both steadily been consensus. Last year, they started
to build interest, and they officially started to go out in this Feburary.
Q. How were they attracted eachother?
D. Baekhyun was Taeyeon's fan since he was a trainee. Of course, Taeyeon also looked more into Baekyun from Exo.
Contrast to his cute face, she was attracted by his determination. She saw Baekhyun practicing until the morning alone.
Q. Their consensus?
D. baekhyun's trainee days lasted for about 7 months. It was very short compared to Exo-K's leader Suho's trainee days.
It was faster enough, Baekhyun had even more difficulties. He always thought he was worse than the other members.
That is why Taeyeon became his mentor. Baekhyun relied on her and Taeyeon supported him.
Q. Their nickname?
D. They call eachother 'Tangkeung'. Taeyeon's nickname is 'Tangu' and Baekhyun's nickname is "baekeung". Taeyeon
call him 'Baekyun', 'Baekeung' or 'baekung'. On the other hand, Baekhyun is a tough man (sang nam ja). He calls
Taeyeon ( who is 3 years older than him), 'Tangu ya' or ' Taeyeon ah'. He also uses low form when he talks to her.

◆ Some fans realized their relationship earlier. Their couple items, skinship and SNS are the evidence. Taeyeon's SNS
could be their couple password. Would it be imagination or real?
Q. There were doubts about the couple among the fans?

D. The doubt began with the couple items. Some fans put their doubt on their bracelets, headphones, headsets, sunglasses
and more, because they were the same. They even posted similar pictures on their instagram.
Q. Their skinships are the evidence?
D. In 2012, at SMtown ending performance, Taeyeon whispered to Baekhyun. Last year at Incheon Hallyu concert,
Taeyeon patted his back. On the awards day, as soon as Exo won an award, she patted his head. However, they were
not together. They were just interested in eachtoher.
Q. 'Taeng Kung very much (Thank you very much', is this another evidence?
D. In January, Taeyeon posted a mug with her face on it with the comment. Fans predicted 'TaengKung' is the couple name.
Accourding to Dispatch, they started something 

◆ It is very difficult to date in "Hallydols". Exo is the hottest group with 10~20 saseng fans around their house.
How did they date still?
Q. When did they usually go out?
D. Usually at midnight- morning. Dispatch spotted them at 2 in the morning in May near Baekhyun's house.
That time was the time where there were "less" fans.
Q. Was there a lot of time to spend together?
D. For the pass month, they met 5 times. Both SNSD and Exo are busy with their schedules. They made partial time to
enjoy their dates. In Korea for example, they had to meet after their schedule. When they finish their schedules outside
of the country, they meet earlier.
Q. Where do they see eachother?
D.Mostly in Taeyeon's car Bentz SLK 55AMG. Taeyeon drove directly around BH's house. She uses a parking lot of
some appartment. TY's car is an hard top open car. If there was no one, they open the top to feel the air.
Q. There is no info on Cafe date.
D. In Seoul, they never went outside of the car. They date only in her car.

Trans by: Suki
Via : EXO


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