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For the very First Time☂

Today.. somehow.. felt bizarre.
The worst part is.. for the very first time I don't want to leave a building named school \bang my head on the wall\
I don't what got into me ._.

well I think i know what happened to me.. shall i begin my fairy tale?
let's go~
do you have a crush?
what are you gonna do if suddenly your crush act all sweet to you out of the blue?
how do you gonna respond on that?
me.. erm natural?/
okay honestly... I HAVE NO IDEA.

I have a crush.. let's just say he's so cute cause he's so dumb.
he always can make me laugh. no matter what jokes he made, stupid thing he do, i just laugh.
then he began to act sweet to me, saying sweet thing that can makes me fly to the seven clouds.
let's just imagined i'm dying over sweetness.
did i love him?
It's still a big question.
I rather say i like him around me cause.. duh! he's so funny. all his silliness are like my happiness.
beside.. he already have a girlfriend \sobs\
Tbh i don't like he being this sweet. it's annoyingly killing me. but the other side of my head said just let him do it and all you do is just enjoy it. what the heck.. i'm so lost. help me~
i want to avoid it and act cool but DAMN I CAN'T!!
the more i avoid it the more i want it.
he even dare me to hold his hand until school break.. I CAN'T! but I WANT!!!!
so i was like no.. and he was like oh c'mon and i was like still no. and now I REGRET IT! I SHOULD JUST HOLD IT! THAT WAS REALLY A GOLDEN GOLD FORTUNATE FOR ME ugh;;;;;
so here i am.. regret all thing that i wish i was just do it.
BUT! other something really WOW also happening to me today.
let's just say i in the middle of admiring a beautiful creature from far. i just watch every moved he made. everything he said. okay.. okay.. i admit.. i have a little.. tiny.. crush on him.
every time when he not accidentally made skinship with me i was just like asdfghjkl;;;;;;;
i know it was nothing.. i mean what do you expect to happened when you were standing in the crowd and asking for access to walking in front? freaking skinship! chyeah!
thanks to my crush \COUGH\
my crush kinda take his thing and he kinda asked me to called him cause he want it back. as always my crush fooling around before giving it back and that caused me have a conversation when he ACTUALLY LOOKING AT ME! FREAKING LOOKING AT ME ON MY FACE! I was like OMG;; PLEASE STOP THE TIME NOW CAUSE THIS BEAUTIFUL CREATURE LOOKING RIGHT AT MY FACE AND I LOOK BACK AT HIM! and i felt its was very romantic. lololol XD
also after school i have something project to do with my friends.
when we're about to started our project suddenly i spotted that beautiful creature sitting comfortably near us and HE FUCKING LOOKING AT ME AGAIN!
with that a fire build on my body and i started doing with my project with a creepy smile plastered on my face. why? because... he is here! in one room with me! breathing the same air with me! kyaaaaaa~
then my other friend told me that my mom already in front of my school, waiting for me. ugh- for the first time ever i don't want to leaved the place i hated the most. SCHOOL.
i have no choices but leaved. leave him when he already being closed to me. well.. that was just me who think like that.
for the very first time i want to stay longer in school,
for the very first time someone asked me 'do you love me?'
for the very first time i lied to him and myself and said that i do not love him.
for the very first time i talked to him and i laugh with him and i gave him an advice.
for the very first time he look me in my eyes.

Dear beautiful creature..
Do you see me now?
Please let your beautiful eyes see me..


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